W.O.M.E.N. On A Journey – Our 2013 Spring/Summer Newsletter
A bit of time has gone by since the last edition of ‘W.O.M.E.N. On A Journey’, and what a journey we are on. There have been a lot of exciting changes, additions, and ideas going on in and out of the office and we are all very excited for this next chapter of the organization. In keeping with our mission, W.O.M.E.N. has been a part of numerous health fairs and festivals throughout the community. We have formed wonderful new partnerships and are conducting on-site health screens and counseling in addition to our other services. As you will read further in this edition, we also have a number of new campaigns that are shaping up to not only change our organization, but change the lives of those we touch.
Please click HERE to view our 2013 Spring/Summer Newsletter!